Dearest Folks:
I have plenty to do tonight, tomorrow is inspection, shining shoes, clean the rifle etc. but better take time out to drop you a line or two. I’m in good spirits today and once more got a boost in my morale. The cause for this good feeling is that I got a promotion today to staff sergeant and a corresponding increase in pay which makes it a hundred fifteen per (month) now, so guess I better increase my allotment a little. Of course it’s good to get the new rank and will mean a few more privileges. I hope that now I can cut the mustard and get the other stripe that my job calls for.
I’m wondering how Gramp is coming along and how the operation turned out. Gram wrote me a short letter and from the tone of it she sounds like she’s about whipped. I can’t imagine anything happening to gramp and it would be especially sorrowing at a time like this. I’d like to see him so bad and try to cheer him up a little.
Among the other things that I do in my job I occasionally go out to investigate court martial charges and tomorrow morning early means another such assignment. Remember the days I used to walk over to Mrs. Dick’s and sweat over some shorthand? Well it seems to be of some good now although I mostly use a combination of longhand and the other that makes a script that nobody but myself could read. Running somewhat into what I am studying I like the job although sometimes I swear I can never write down all they say but somehow things seem to work out. Last week we investigated a case that involved a Japanese storekeeper and he talked like a whirlwind and had the usual accent and I thought several times I was hopelessly lost. But it’s always interesting and breaks up the monotony of the routine. The fact that I know a little shorthand is the reason for my transfer to this battery some time ago so it seems that the few bucks I put out didn’t go to naught. If Mrs. Dick could see my notebook she’d probably tear her hair out though.
I just remembered your writing about Dan Gettman and the Star-Heralds he gives me. He is the one boy that I know from Nebraska and I used to be in the same outfit with him. I knew him well and Danny and I would often talk about things in common that we knew about the valley. Since I was transferred I don’t see him very often and occasionally I talk to him in town or whenever I get down to his battery. He is the usual Russian stock like is in the valley but he’s a pretty good little guy. A couple of weeks ago he sent me a stack that was as big around as my waist.
And another little item about the bank deposit box. I had forgotten completely about it and as I don’t need the use of it any longer you can dispose of it as you want to.
Katie sent me one of the announcements—the little one with the automobile motif—it was pretty cute and all the guys in the billet thought it was clever although they didn’t get the drift right at first.
Well I’m coming to the last act I believe, so here comes the curtain. I intend to write to B. Emick but somehow I don’t get around to it. Also had a letter from Mrs. Lewellen yesterday so there’s another to answer. Jack is lucky being in the Navy and getting a chance to get home. Well goodnite for another time and one less toward the end of the way.