Dear Folks:
It wasn’t a half hour ago that I finished a letter to you but it wasn’t enough to dissolve my guilty conscience completely so I’m back at it again. I have a few pictures that you can keep on record until I get back. The picture of me jumping into the pools lacks plenty of the glamour side but the guy caught it just right and when I wasn’t expecting it. The building is the bathhouse and the panoramic views are of the ball field adjacent to the pool. The place is much prettier than pictures. It doesn’t show the broad lawn or the flowered hedges, nor the clouds over the hills. The place I am at now is more suitable to my palate if you will recall my favoritism for fruit. Here in camp are avocadoes, oranges, limes, pineapple, papayas, and many banana trees and probably more that I have forgotten.
I went to the show tonight and saw a newsreel antedated to October or so. But the picture was good and the mosquitoes were hungry. “King’s Row” is currently showing and I don’t want to miss it.
I know these two letters won’t suffice for my negligence but I’ll double up on the next week and hope that the tray will please you.
I never go to bed without thinking about you and realizing what I failed to appreciate. Every time I see a lady with four or five jewels getting on a bus I can see you ten years ago.