Dear Folks:
I guess I better write when I have a little more than the ordinary stuff that goes in my letters. In the first place, last night I saw a stage production of ‘MacBeth’ that was very good and superbly acted. Although it was a GI show and put on by the Special Service office, from what I’ve heard it would match about the best performance anywhere. As far as I can remember this was the first I’ve seen of the legitimate stage and from what I saw I would like to see more. I bought an autographed copy that I will send later and will give you a better idea of what I (am) talking about. You must think my life over here is about all filled up with good times and more like a vacation, but that isn’t the case. As a matter of fact this morning I saw a Ranger course demonstration that I will go through later. But the difficulty of the course and the hard work that will come didn’t interest me as much as the talk that the office gave before the demonstration. He is a veteran of Guadalcanal and other places in the South Pacific and what he stressed constantly was the necessary mental self-confidence and attitude. But all the atrocities and tricks that he said about the Japs didn’t affect me as much as all the mental conditioning that was necessary. Although I guess he’s right it all rubbed me the wrong way. I would hate to see myself with everything he says we should have. Well anyway if I get through the obstacles all right I should be in pretty rugged physical condition, although I can’t imagine myself being much of a commando.
On the lighter side of life I picked up the fiddle a while tonight and scraped through a few of the numbers I used to hack at a few years back. It had a good effect and made me feel like I wasn’t so far from home.
I’ve been hanging on for the news of Katie and I suppose that by now everything is well along. It sure seems like a long time since you first went to Denver.
Well I better get to bed early tonight. I’ve a big day ahead, as a matter of fact I’ll probably be dragging in like a wet rat. I never know exactly what to say or add as a last line but I guess I can best sum it up by saying I miss all of you so much that every night a lot of memories and things pop up in my mind that I didn’t give thought to before.