Dear Folks:
Had a lot of mail today so the least I can do is to sit down a while and answer a few of them. Had two letters from Dad, one from Mom, one from Pat and one from Washington. A very good day for mail. And all in good time.
Went to the show for a while but didn’t stay long – couldn’t sit still long enough. Been busy all day – a big inspection tomorrow that seems like a lot of baloney to me, but there’s nothing to be done about it.
I’ve been thinking a lot about you the last few days and last night had a glorious dream of being home. Read a few Star-Heralds tonight and in the service column noticed there is always men returning and with much less overseas time than mine. I sneered when I saw an article that said so and so receives his first furlough in over two years. What a laugh. I’ve had damn near four [years] and never been home. Of course someday our chance will come but it seems impossible to enjoy once again some civilian relaxation. Guess I should have signed up for the Navy.
Listened to the news a while tonight and hear the Marines have a scrap on their hands at Iwo Jima. But they’ll finish them off. The Japs are crazy and in [a] tight spot, go nuts and beserk. They are madmen. The news from Europe is good and Germany will crack any time, but it is taking plenty of casualties to do it.
Been reading my law books lately and the more I do, the stronger is the desire to seriously study it. But lately I have had only intermittent opportunities to read and then not for as long as I would like. If I never use it at least it is a goal to acquire an LLB.
You have never mentioned the money I sent home. I’m getting just the slight bit uneasy. $40 was sent the 6th of January and $50 around the 1st of February. It is a new system so perhaps that accounts for the delay.
Your letters today were certainly welcome and read and re-read many times. I guess our whole relationship the past 3 ½ years has been dependent on letters. Perhaps they are wonderful things.
It’s getting late and as it usually does, it’s beginning to rain. I think I’ve seen more rain since being overseas than in all my ‘old country’ days. Well this is it for tonight.