Dear Folks:
I’m so far behind in my writing that I hardly know what to write to start off. Recently I’ve had a change of station and that has meant a lot to do and little time to do it in. I suppose you have been wondering what has happened and maybe worried a little, but as a matter of fact I think this place is a better deal than before. Now I am where I can see Dick pretty often and call him up once in a while. Last Saturday I called him to make arrangements on a pass day, so Sunday morning he came around and we went to town and spent a civilian Sunday walking around the beach and looking at fish in the aquarium. He’s looking good and seems a little more talkative and lively than ever before. We heard a good band in the afternoon – Claude Thornhill. We talked about a lot of things and one of them was Phil. From what he told me there’s a little difficulty some place and I’m a little worried about him. I can imagine what you feel and know you wonder what to do about it. Also in Kate’s letter she mentioned it but made me promise that I would say nothing to you. I would be sick too if he should quit school to do what he has in mind, and I would do everything to keep him from it. Fellows on the outside see only one side of this military life and never hear of the other. I wish I was around to help you out. My spirits will drop a good deal if I hear that he has quit and taken the other road. I hope it isn’t as bad as I fear.
Around the lighter side – I have a new APO number now 958 and I’m on Oahu. Having visited here twice before on pass I was broke in a little and knew a little what to expect. The big city is a cauldron of fast moving traffic and big crowds of people hurrying to get someplace. With the…..cut out by the censor. Every bar, theater and café has a line in front of it with people waiting a long time for a little service, and it’s hard to escape the crowds no matter where you go. It’s hard to imagine that there was a time when everything was plentiful and all you had to have was the dough. But with all this activity we were moved into a quiet secluded cool spot that makes me forget once in a while that there is a war going on. This would be the spot for you Mom with the big trees and numberless shrubs everywhere. Adjacent to our area is a large open lawn space with a baseball diamond and volleyball court. Each afternoon we put in a couple of hours at volleyball and absorb a little sunshine. Yesterday while we were out the ‘Mars’ – the new flying boat that recently flew to Brazil and back – flew very low overhead and gave us a real idea of just how big it really is.
I did receive the packages from Colson’s and Carroll’s and I will answer them with a little letter if I can first find time to answer my ’must’ correspondence.
Tonight the open air theatre the local USO put on a variety act affair that to me was very boring and corny. The big part of it was hula dancing and that’s pretty tiresome by now. But there were girls in it so we had to go. Mentioning the Carroll’s, another change has taken place with Shirley now taken out of circulation. So she married a soljer? I hope she got out of the usual Carroll rut and picked someone with a little better prospects. Duane is pretty lucky to stay in the States and been near his wife and get home once in a while. If I am here much longer when people ask me…..(cut out by the censor) where I am from I will say the Hawaiian Islands, and strolling around the better sections of the big city that idea doesn’t sound bad.
You have been doing a good job of writing – all of you – and I especially liked your commentary on the Christmas holiday. I could visualize the whole affair and know having Stevie and Kate and Tom with you must have made the celebration especially happy. You can’t imagine how much Dick and I would have given to have been with you, and when we get back to the next (Christmas) it will have more meaning than any before. Everything I did as a kid and in school and later in Lincoln seems like a short dream I had last night after eating too much before going to bed.
I have the books with me after carefully packing them for the trip and I try to find time to study every day and I hope in the near future I can put things on somewhat of a schedule. Being here perhaps I can get a taste of things more urban. This month there is a symphony concert of 65 pieces and I want to hear it so darn bad. My experience with the Nebraska symphony is now a most valued experience and a cherished memory. The University of Hawaii is also here but probably I can’t do anything about that. Well I think I’ve said my speil for tonight and I hope you will forgive me for not answering as I should. Watch Phil and I hope everything works out to a happy solution. I’m glad you liked the picture – I thought it was pretty good too. Well goodnight – the time seems endless before I will be home.

Advise Reader’s Digest of my change of address