Dear Folks:
I’ve been doing a pretty [good] job of writing you lately, haven’t I? Well whenever I get a letter I feel I should answer it right away and try to answer some of the questions you have. And your mail has been coming good. I can’t tell you how fast but they come as fast as mine get to you. Its noon right now, just finished eating, and now getting ready to go back to work. Got your letter just before noon.
Well, I wrote you a pretty good letter last night with the good news in it so I don’t hardly know what to write about. You should be hearing from Dick now as he will have time to write. He looks so good and cleancut beside Duane Carroll. I couldn’t help but notice it. He is the same guy that left you and he’ll be good as ever when he gets back. He always wants me to do most of the writing and be sure to let you know we get together, and I’m glad to oblige. I wished we could get home together and I’m not telling myself it is entirely out of the question. Boy what a time that would be.
Went to church last Sunday afternoon at four o’clock. We had services among some trees and about every time the chaplain said something a gun would go off or planes roar overhead and drown out what he would say. Next Sunday holy communion is scheduled so I hope I can go.
I’m glad Jack C. got to come home but now he will have to serve another year before becoming eligible for rotation. According to present war department policy, anyone returned after overseas service on rotation is not again sent over. Of course there [are] qualifications to this but that is the general policy. If I don’t make it this year, well I’ll never believe in anything. Some 45 day furloughs are given but believing I’m close to rotation, I don’t believe I’d take it now, but I hope Dick will get a crack at one.
According to the news clippings M. Niederhaus has moved into Farguha’s [spelling?] house. I think some people might take offense at them moving up. I cannot see Vic Sage married. Every year it seems the Russians influence is taking hold of more and more people. W. Nichols, J. Lupher and now Sage. Believe I’ll get something different. Wrote to Wylma about the middle of March but have heard nothing since so I don’t know what to think.
Haven’t enough to start another page so better end. I’ll write as often as possible. I’m giving that fountain pen a workout.