Dear Folks:
Kind of a lazy Sunday morning with not very much to do, so a good time to write you a letter while I won’t have to rush. Church services are in the afternoon. For a while this morning watched some volleyball games and then walked up to the baseball diamond, but it was pretty hot so I came back. While many things aren’t so convenient for us it helps a lot to get some time off and to be able to relax occasionally.
Since I started this I was interrupted and now it is about eight o’clock in the evening. I received three letters just before the show and just now could read them. This was the first mail in four days and I was beginning to think something had gone wrong again. Two of the letters were from you and one from Washington, so I had a boost in my morale. You once remarked Mom how I could write so much, well you are practically the only ones I write to, and many nights it’s a relief to write rather than trying to kill time and thinking about home so much, so I start writing, and when I’m doing it, it seems like I get a little closer to you somehow.
For the first time in several years I played baseball. The battery organized a third team and today I played third base. I guess I did alright although my hands are a little sore from catching the ball. In the battalion we have two leagues, the American (and) the National set up, so there are a lot of games. I’m on the first three graders volleyball team too, but not so hot at that racket. But there aren’t many of us so I have to play.
Of course the news from the Philippines on the water and on land is drawing our attention as it must be yours. I listen to every news broadcast I can, and we can get them from all sides, Australia, Japan, Germany and London. Two nights ago I ran onto a particularly interesting shortwave broadcast while dialing around. Correspondents for UP, INS and AP were transmitting their messages to ‘Frisco from Leyte and the procedure of getting the news to their agencies was interesting. Of course the Japs are claiming victories on a larger scale than ours, and claim Task Force 58 was annihilated off Formosa. The line of rot they propagate is really something to hear. In connection with the war I happened to get a hold of some interesting stuff on (the) Saipan operation and thought you might like to read it. Some of the commentators seem to think the Naval victory may shorten the war a few months and I’m not inclined to disagree. I hope the Philippines don’t bog down into another New Guinea affair and drag on for many months. Those yellow b___’s can live like gophers and it’ll take a lot to dig them out. They use ‘em to haul garbage from camp and when I see them go by on the truck I wonder what they’re thinking about. They are still bringing them out of the hills. About a month ago three of them were seen in a cane field next to one of the batteries and after killing two of them the other gave up. One of them was almost out in two bullets.
Just a few minutes ago I opened a can of beer and even had peanuts to go with it. The PX got a pretty good supply in and after waiting in line for 45 minutes finally was able to buy a few things.
Yesterday went to the dentist and had a small filling taken care of. My gum had swollen a little but wasn’t too sore so I thought I better see what was up. Luckily it wasn’t bad and he didn’t have to drill around too much. My teeth are in good shape now, and contrary to my civilian habits I brush them regularly.
Well I think I’ve run out for this time. Another Sunday gone by and another week on the way. Time seems to be flying for me to and I hope the next year goes as fast as the last one, for then I will be eligible for rotation. And pray that when we get our next furlough quota I will walk up and draw the little slip with the magic words on it. I worry more about you folks than I do about myself and I hope you don’t upset yourselves too much. Well there’s the curtain on another act so, so long –