Dear folks:
I have that comforting feeling that goes with a full stomach – we’ve just finished supper, and it wasn’t so bad considering the inexperienced chefs that prepared it. Our menu was especially made unusual by some fresh cucumbers that we gathered from a patch across the road. Along with these we had cocoa, corn beef, cold peas, and those biscuits that the Army insists have to be hard and tasteless. Tomorrow our kitchen will be inaugurated and it will be a relief to get some hot cooking. But perhaps what makes me feel so good this evening is that I have news from your front. Three of your letters and one from [illegible] so damn welcome and so eagerly read. I must have been doing more writing [illegible] if you received six from me in one week. But then you are about [illegible] with the exception of the Washington friend who writes me [illegible]. Yesterday had a letter from Betty S. Myers who it seems, intends [illegible]. And again there isn’t a lot to do in the evenings before dark and [illegible] uses up some time. I hope you have received my extra long one [illegible] time ago – I consumed the better fraction of an afternoon putting it [illegible] will answer a lot of questions you might have wanted answered. And for [illegible] sort of fun to describe to you all that I can and let you know all [illegible] I would give about a thousand dollars for a movie camera right now to [illegible] this, but cameras are on the ‘verboten’ list.
[illegible] dig out your letter and see what I can comment on. Well the first thing, [illegible] this operation will change Dick or myself noticeably – at least not me. [illegible) has seen enough sights of the worst nature but he’s just as jolly and matter of fact as ever. When he saw me during the middle of the operation he said he sure hated to go back in there, but knowing him probably he felt more than I thought. I think I [illegible] Garapan so I’ll skip that. Our ‘office’ is a lot different than the station- [illegible] we had on Oahu. We have a square [illegible] supported by four poles with nothing on the sides. To keep out the rain we nailed up sheets of tin taken from a blown up Jap barn but whenever it rains (and it does often), we usually run around putting up ponchos and shelter halves to keep from getting wet. The office work is pretty much streamlined but still there is much paper work to do. I am a lucky guy and have a cot that is nothing less than luxurious. Among other things the guys use to sleep on is stretchers, salvaged Jap beds, Jap mats, homemade beds and whatever you have. Our camp looks like a hobo jungle. And you asked about a PX. No we don’t have one but necessaries are issued gratis. I don’t think I’ve spent [illegible] three months [illegible] a nice paycheck I’ll have. We’re the guys that make the paychecks [illegible]. I hope you are getting my new [illegible].
[illegible] guys are [illegible] a jeep listening to sweet music from Frisco and some [illegible]. [illegible] guys the news at six o’clock at dictation [illegible]. [illegible] produced dissemination to other troops. Most of the [illegible] and news. An announcement this afternoon [illegible] and we heard a quoted portion of the new Premier’s speech [illegible]. In the evenings we sometimes get China and listen to music from night [illegible] broadcasts from Manila with the usual line.
[illegible] to knock off about here and walk down sunset boulevard to the Roxy.