Dear folks:
This has been a beautiful and sunshiny day making the war seem far off and entirely inconsistent, but the war is here. We received the news today of Germany’s unconditional surrender but there is little outward signs of celebration. All day the radio has been broadcasting speeches from high leaders and right now General Marshall is on. It is hard to believe that there is actually peace in Europe for it has lasted so long and been so much on our minds, that when it ended so suddenly it will take a while to really soak in. Now of course I hope it won’t be long until the full weight can make itself felt against Japan. The surrender has also raised our hopes for returning home and possibly demobilization, but the main thing is to get back. I wonder how long Japan can last now. I saw infantrymen returning from the front today and I felt very humble. The parents of those boys would hardly recognize them. It is certainly tough up there, and people owe an everlasting debt of gratitude to each of them.
Yesterday it rained very hard and made it almost impossible to walk around. Our office became flooded out and in the midst of it we had to move. I slept like a kitten last night.
I thought I’d stick in a piece of invasion money issued to us before we landed. 50 sen represents an American nickel. I’ll send you a little more of different denominations when I get paid.
Well about all now.